How to Install Git on Cygwin?

Git is a distributed version control system. It is needed when there is any collaboration work present. Like in any company project development or in any college project. Every member of a team develops their part of the project. Then they upload it to Git’s local repository and in the remote repository. Then all the parts are combined using GitHub. Then the total projects are developed. Cygwin is an open source software. It is used to do Linux works in windows system. Basically, it provides an Linux terminal where necessary things can be installed. Git can be installed in Cygwin along with it. When installing Cygwin it will ask some extra packages, there the Git option can be included. This is the only way to install Git in Cygwin.


  1. Git is used for improving any existing projects. It provides Branch concept to do that easily.
  2. Git LFS is used for handling large files in the repository.
  3. Git provides a time machine concept where users can view their past work easily.

Installing Git in Cygwin

To install Git in Cygwin follow the following steps:

Step 1: At first, the Official Website of Cygwin to be browsed. There is a link for downloading Cygwin on the machine. Click on it for downloading the .exe file.


Step 2: Then the installation is to be started. Then the only task is to click on Next every time. No need to change anything.


Step 3: Click on Next to proceed.


Step 4: Click on Next to proceed. No need to change anything.


Step 5: Click on Next to proceed. You don’t have to change anything


Step 6: Click on Next to proceed. It is advisable not to change anything.


Step 7: Now, it will start installing and wait for some time to install.


Step 8: Then it will open a window to choose the packages needed along with Cygwin. Git is to be searched in the search bar. Then the Devel part should be expanded. Click on the first option. Then wait for some time. It will auto close the window after downloading.


Step 9: Click on the Next button to proceed with the process.


Step 10: Wait for some time. According to the packages needed it will install and configure itself. It will take lots of time.


Step 11: At last, click on Finish to complete the installation.


Step 12: Then open the terminal installed in the machine for Cygwin. There this command should be run. This command will display which Git version has been installed in the machine according to the configuration of a particular one. So, the installation is successful.

git –version


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